Monday, February 15, 2010

Bloomberg = Hitler

Hello. This is the first time I've done anything like this. I've heard about this site on the Village Voice and learned that this is the site where I can let out my frustrations about New York and the direction it has gone. So, I've decided to post this for the first time and see if there's anybody else who shares my pain.

You know why all our historic treasures and cultures are vanishing? You may probably know him as the Mayor of New York, Mike Bloomberg. Let's see now, this state claims to be a Democratic state and yet this guy gets three terms? He's a Repulican from Massachusettes and has said the he supports every decision Rudy Guiliani has made. You would think this would kill his chances, but lo and behold, Al Sharpton of all people, peeved that Fernanado Ferrer lost the primary decides to make accusations about Mark Green, and then...people believed him and Bloomberg wins. So much for sticking up for the black community, eh? Half of New York had this preconceived notion that Bloomberg is Democratic like and is gonna be a different kind of Repulican. Where have I heard this before (Hint, Guilliani, Pataki.)? Meaning four more years of dictatorship and police corruption. Not to mention the rising rents, threating to close certain businesses, rising poverty and my personal favorite, bringing the Republican National Convention to endorse the worst President ever, George W Bush. After all this, you would think he wouldn't have another four years.


All it took for a dumbell like Fernando Ferrer to say the shooting of Amadou Diallo wasn't a crime and that just killed everything we were suppose to hate about Mr. Bloomberg. Suddenly outta the blue, he's gotten endorsements from unlikey allies like "Democrats" Marty Markowitz and Christine Quinn as well as celebrities who don't even live in New York as far as I know like Whoopie Goldberg, Iman, and Magic Johnson. Theoretically, there was something in it for them in his reelection process so sweet that it propelled them to turn their backs on their beliefs. Just freakin' wonderful. The guy win's reelection and the city becomes more dismal.

How the Hell is this jerk good for the city? More like he's good for the rich. Of course it was the same song and dance from the first four years. Why is it that nobody asked him what he though about the Amadou Diallo shootings? Cuz it might ruin his Democratic like image? BULLSHIT! He's pretty much Giulliani except he's Jewish. It was a matter of time before Sean Bell falls victim to police corruption. Surprise, surprise. I'll bet the NYPD couldn't be much happier that Bloomberg is Mayor knowing that he sticks up for them. Is this Nazi, Germany that we have to watch our backs from now on no matter what race you are?

What else happend under Bloomberg's iron fist? We lost CBGB's in which Bloomberg attended the rally to save it. More like he's was just pretending just to get votes. What a snake. He also pushed to destroy Yankee Stadium and Shea Stadium to get new stadiums built. Yankee Stadium has been around longer than the Empire State Building. How can you destroy a piece of NY history. Let's see, Bloomberg is from Massachusettes, home of the Boston Red Sox. Figure it out. But alas, to the Yankees, being abused by the Red Sox and their fans is like sex to them these days. But that's not the point. Couldn't they have fought for the stadium? To defy that maniac George Steinbrenner and Bloomberg? Or were they brainwashed to believed that the Yankees was always about Steinbrenner and not Ruth, Gerhig, Dimaggio, ect.? I guess that looking good and making all that money was way too important than to save New York history. And what's worse, the Yankee fans still support them. I was a Yankee fan, and....I just can't support this. The baseball committe knew that Steinbrenner was bad and had a chance to rid him for good, but didn't. Big mistake. Oh, and I refuse to call that new stadium Yankee stadium. It's always gonna be Steinbrenner stadium no matter how much they sugar coat it.

And why did the fountain in Washington Square Park had to be destroyed too? What, Bloomberg didn't like it there? That it represented too much like New York? I just can't bear to cross over that park anymore.

Why the Hell couldn't Bloomberg become Mayor of the hole that he crawled out of? I guess he figured that New York is where all the money is where he can obtain and that there are enough stupid people who would actually vote for him thus, contradicting the notion of New York's blue state status.

With Bloomberg on a major power trip decided to run for a third term with the help from unlikely allies and outsiders. This time, from more two-faced Democrats and celebs. Meaning he's still not done fucking up New York and his loyalist are comfortable with the direction it has gone. Or more like Bloomberg came up with an offer they couldn't refuse.

Exactly how accurate are his poll ratings anyway? It seems that if he can buy his election victories, he can buy his poll numbers too. I always wondered about the Quinnipiac University's poll ratings for Bloomberg. Are they playing favorites? Why do they get to speak for all of New York. Or why do they think they do? I always believed something like this should be investigated and second guessed.

If Bloomberg think he's such an economic wizard that he has to be Mayor for a third time, why didn't he forsee that the economy was in trouble? Did he believed that his buddy Bush had it under control? And where did he get all that money to pay for those campaign ads anyway?

If the majority of New Yorkers really do favor Bloomberg and approve of this city becoming an empty shell of itself, we're in serious trouble. He just buy his way to get what he wants and it's working. Why can't New Yorkers grow a set for once and overthrow this asshole and send him back to Hell where he came from? Him being he makes me unhappy to be a New Yorker and it's just not the same anymore.

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